Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Comapny We Keep

There is an adage that says ‘you are known by the company you keep’.

When I was growing up these words were a warning given by my mother and others concerned about the purity of my reputation. As I grew older the words became conflicting to me. I was friends with those who went to church, then broke a majority of the Commandments on a daily basis. I had friends who did not go to church that I was very close to. Being honest I will say that I preferred the company of the non-church attending friends.

Did the choice tarnish my reputation? I can’t really say if it did or did not at that time. What I can say is that I felt a kinship to them that did not develop with many of my Sunday friends.

As I have grown I have developed friendships and associations with those considered odd for a Christian woman. Many saints have voiced their concern when I have accepted the opportunity to attend and/or teach at non-Christian conferences.

I found it odd that they were so concerned. In fact, I must say that I was very comfortable with the attendees and learned much from the sessions I attended. I mentioned this to a friend and her response was so on point. She said, “The world is comfortable with who they are. It is many Christians struggling with who they want others to believe they are that puts others off.”

Her words brought this scripture to mind: “…and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. Acts 1:8b

My question to you today is -- have you refrained from being the light in darkness simply because of what others might think of you? If so I encourage you to examine the gift entrusted to you. Why was it given and who is it to be given to? You have to be comfortable with who you have been called to be and trust that God knows what He is doing with your life. Going to Canaan is not the issue, becoming a Canaanite is. Each of us has been chosen and ordained to go forth to bring forth fruit that should remain. Prayerfully the company you keep will be the evidence of a good harvest.

Until next time remember -- There is no such thing as an acceptable loss in God's Kingdom!


Friday, May 9, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

To those who are mothers.
To those who are to experience motherhood for the first time.
To those who have lost a child/children.
To those who placed their children in the best care they could.
To those who are praying for the reuniting with an absent child.
To those who have been given the assignment to raise those not from your womb.

Happy Mother’s Day!

You don’t always get it right. Out of fear, anger and stupidity someone may have suggested that by virtue of your being you:
Have ruined their lives
Are too bossy
Are too nosyAre too old fashioned
Are not cool enough
Shouldn’t have been allowed to be a mother

To you I say -- Happy Mothers Day!

In that secret place where you steal away for a moment you might cry and anguish over harsh words or the lack of kind words spoken in reference to you.

What we do as mothers seems to never be enough for the one’s who slept while we:
Stayed up till the wee hours holding them while they slept to ensure that they were breathing properly
Baked cookies for the party they forgot to tell us about last week
Pulled together costumes for parties
Proudly wore their macaroni necklaces to business meetings and formal affairs
Went without a facial, manicure and pedicure so that theywould have decent shoes and clothing
Worked extra hours and/or extra jobs so that finances for college were available when the time arose
Walked the floor and rubbed aching knees as we prayed for their salvation, health, protection, deliverance and fulfillment of purpose

To you I say -- Happy Mother’s Day!

To you who have been applauded, mistreated, abandoned and unknown by your children, the fact remains – you are still a mother.

We don’t always get it right and there will be those who will agree. Regardless of their point of view there is one who knows you and has been with you every step of this journey called motherhood.

It is God who ordained your path and allowed life to enter this world via the conduit of your birth canal. He is Love and He is the giver of life.I encourage you to look upon this day with joy and be thankful for the life He gave you and the lives that came through you body.

If you are estranged from your mother, consider using this day as a new beginning. If you are blessed to have your mother with you, let her know that you appreciate her. Do not allow another day to go by looking back. Look forward to the blessings in your life.

Have a blessed day remembering this: There is no such thing as an acceptable loss in God's Kingdom! You are so valuable to God. There is no stumble or mistake you may have made that will change the plans He has for your life.

Happy Mother’s Day -- Linda!